Tissue Kallikrein-Modified Human EPCs Improve Cardiac Function

When cells are implanted into the heart after a heart attack, the vast majority of them succumb to the hostile environment in the heart and die. Twenty-four hours after implantation there is a significant loss of cells (see Wu et al Circulation 2003 108:1302-1305). That fact that implanted bone marrow or fat-based stem cells benefit the heart despite their evanescence is a remarkable testimony to their healing power.

To mitigate this problem, stem cell scientists have used a variety of different strategies to increase the heartiness and survival of implanted stem cells. Two main strategies have emerged: preconditioning cells and genetically engineering cells. Both strategies increase the survival of implanted stem cells (see here, and here).

When it comes to genetically engineering stem cells, Lee and Julie Chao from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina have used endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) from human umbilical cord blood to treat mice that had suffered heart attacks, except that these cells were genetically engineered to express “Tissue Kallikrein” or TK. TK is encoded by a gene called KLKB1, which is on chromosome 4 at region q34-35 (in human genetics, the long arm of a chromosome is the “q” arm and the small arm is the “p” or petite arm). TK is initially synthesized as an inactive precursor called prekallikrein. Prekallikrein must be clipped in order to be activated and the proteases (proteases are protein enzymes that cut other proteins into smaller fragment) that do so are either clotting factor XII, which plays a role in blood clotting, and PRCP, which is also known as Lysosomal Pro-X carboxypeptidase.

TK is a protease that degrades a larger protein called kininogen in two smaller peptides called bradykinin and kallidin, both of which are active signaling molecules. Bradykinin and kallidin cause relaxation of smooth muscles, thus lowering blood pressure, TK can also degrade plasminogen to form the active enzyme plasmin.

So why engineer EPCs to express TK? As it turns out, TK activates an internal protein in cells called Akt, and activated Akt causes cells to survive and prevents them from dying (see Krankel et al., Circulation Research 2008 103:1335-1343; Yao YY, et al., Cardiovascular Research 2008 80: 354-364; Yin H et a., J Biological Chem 2005 280: 8022-8030).

The first experiments were test tube experiments in which TK EPCs were incubated with cultured heart muscle cells to determine their ability to prevent cell death. When cultured heart muscle cells were exposed to hydrogen peroxide, they died left and right, but when they were incubated with the TK-EPCs and hydrogen peroxide, far fewer of them died.

Upper panel consists of cells stained with a TUNEL stain, which designates those cells that are dead or dying.  The bottom panel are DAPI stained cells, which is a nuclear stain that marks all available cells dead or live. From left to right, normal cells, cell exposed to hydrogen peroxide, cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide plus the genes for TK, and finally, cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide and TK-EPCs.
Upper panel consists of cells stained with a TUNEL stain, which designates those cells that are dead or dying. The bottom panel are DAPI stained cells, which is a nuclear stain that marks all available cells dead or live.
From left to right, normal cells, cell exposed to hydrogen peroxide, cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide plus the genes for TK, and finally, cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide and TK-EPCs.

When these cells were exposed to low levels of oxygen, a similar result was observed, expect that the cells co-incubated with TK-EPCs showed significantly less cell death.

When TK-EPCs were injected into the infarct border zones of the heart just after they had heart attacks, the results seven days after the heart attacks were striking. The heart function of the control mice was lousy to say the least. The heart walls had thinned, their ejection fractions were in the tank (~23%) and their echocardiograms were far from normal. However, the TK-EPC-injected mice had a relatively normal echocardiogram, thick heart wall, pretty good ejection fractions (52% and oppose to the 76% of mice that had never had a heart attack), and good heart function in general. Also, the size of the infarcts was reduced in those animals whose hearts had been injected with TK-EPCs.

Representative Masson’s trichrome staining. Original magnification is 10. (f) Echocardiographic measurements for determination of LV function from M-mode measurements. (g) MDA in the ischemic mouse heart at day 7 after MI. Values are expressed as mean±s.e.m. (n¼6, *Po0.05 vs Ad.Null-hEPC- and medium-treated group; #Po0.05 vs medium-treated group).
Representative Masson’s trichrome staining. Original magnification is 10. (f) Echocardiographic measurements for determination of LV function from M-mode measurements. (g) MDA in the ischemic mouse heart at day 7 after MI. Values are expressed as mean±s.e.m. (n¼6, *Po0.05 vs Ad.Null-hEPC- and medium-treated group; #Po0.05 vs medium-treated group).

There were two other bonuses to using TK-EPCs. First, as expected, the density of new blood vessels was substantially higher in hearts that received injections of TK-EPCs. Secondly, the TK-EPCs definitely survived better than their non-genetically engineered counterparts.

Ex-vivo optical imaging study. (a, b) Representative NIR fluorescent images in explanted organs at days 2 or 7 following implantation of DiDlabeled hEPCs into the ischemic myocardium of nude mice. Bars represent maximum radiance. (a: 2 days after cell delivery; b: 7 days after cell delivery). (c) Quantitative analysis of NIR fluorescent signals in explanted hearts among each group at two time points. All values are expressed as mean±s.e.m. (n¼3–4, *Po0.01 vs control group).
Ex-vivo optical imaging study. (a, b) Representative NIR fluorescent images in explanted organs at days 2 or 7 following implantation of DiDlabeled hEPCs into the ischemic myocardium of nude mice. Bars represent maximum radiance. (a: 2 days after cell delivery; b: 7 days after cell delivery). (c) Quantitative analysis of NIR fluorescent signals in explanted hearts among each group at two time points. All values are expressed as mean±s.e.m. (n¼3–4, *Po0.01 vs control group).

These results also confirm that TK works in heart muscle cells by activating the Akt protein inside the cells.  This establishes that TK works through the Akt pathway.

Once again, we see that transplantation of stem cells after a heart attack can improve the function and structure of the heart after a heart attack.  Indeed this strategy seems to work again and again.  These experiments were done in mice and therefore, they must be successful in a larger animal, like a pig before they can be deemed efficacious and safe for use in human clinical trials.  Even so, these results are hopeful.

BMP-2 Treatment Limits Infarct Size in After a Heart Attack in Mice

Bone Morphogen Protein 2 (BMP2) is a powerful signaling molecule that is made during development, healing, and other significant physiological events. During the development of the heart, BMP2 modulates the activation of cardiac genes. In culture, BMP2 can protect heart muscle cells from dying during serum starvation. Can BMP2 affect hearts that have just experienced a heart attack?

Scientists from the laboratories of Karl Werdan and Thomas Braun at the Max Planck Institute or Heart and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim, Germany have addressed this question in a publication in the journal Shock.

In this paper, Henning Ebelt and his colleagues Gave intravenous BMP2 to mice after a heart attack. CD-1 mice were subjected to LAD-ligation to induce a heart attack (LAD stands for left anterior descending coronary artery, which is tied shut to deprive the heart muscle of oxygen). 1 hour after the heart attack, mice were given 80 microgram / gram of body weight of intravenous recombinant BMP2. The hearts of some animals were removed 5-7 days after the heart attack, but others were examined 21 days after the heart attack to determine the physiological performance of the hearts. Control animals were given intravenous phosphate buffered saline.

Coronary arteries

The extirpated hearts were analyzed for cell death, and the size of their heart scars. Also, protein expression analyses showed the different proteins expressed in the heart muscle cells as a result of BMP2 treatment. Also, the effects of BMP2 on cultured heart muscle cells was ascertained.

The results showed that BMP2 could protect cultured heart muscle cells from dying in culture if they when they were exposed to hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide mimics stressful conditions and under normal circumstances, cultured heart muscle cells pack up and die in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (200 micromolar for those who are interested). However, if cultured with 80 ng / mL BMP2, the survival of cultured heart muscle cells greatly increased.

When it came to the hearts of mice that were administered iv BMP2, the BMP2-administered mice survived better and had a smaller infarct size (almost 50% of the heart in the controls and less than 40% in the BMP2-administered hearts). When the degree of cell death was measured in the mouse hearts, those hearts from mice that were administered BMP2 showed less cell death (as determined by the TUNEL assay). BMP2 also increased the beat frequency and contractile performance of isolated heart muscle cells.

FInally, the physiological parameters of the BMP2-treated animals were slightly better than in the control animals. The improvements were consistent, but not overwhelming.

Interestingly, when the proteins made by the hearts of BMP2- and PBS-administered animals were analyzed, there were some definite surprises. BMP2 normally signals to cells by binding a two-part receptor that sticks phosphates on itself, and in doing so, recruits “SMAD” proteins to it that end up getting attached to them. The SMAD proteins with phosphates on them stick together and go to the nucleus where they activate gene expression.

BMP signaling

However, the heart muscle cells of the BMP2-administered mice did not contain heavily phosphorylated SMAD2, even though they did show phosphorylated SMAD1, 5, & 8.  I realize that this may sound like Greek to you, but it means this:  Different members of the BMP superfamily signal to cells by utilizing different combinations of phosphorylated SMADs.  The related signaling molecule, TGF-beta (transforming growth factor-beta), increases scar formation in the heart after a heart attack.  TGF-beta signals through SMAD2.  BMP2 does not signal through SMAD2, and therefore, elicits a distinct biological response than TGF-beta.

These results show that BMP2 administration after a heart attack decreases cell death and decreases the size of the heart scar.  There might be a clinical use for BMP2 administration after a heart attack.

See Henning Ebelt, et al., Shock 2013 Apr;39(4):353-60.

Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Diabetic Patients Show Impaired Abilities

When using a patient’s own stem cells to treat their diseases, there is a caveat to such a treatment. Things like great age, diabetes mellitus, or a heart attack can seriously compromise the quality of the patient’s stem cells.

To determine if a patient’s stem cells can potentially work under certain circumstances, it is necessary that we test them. With that in mind, Huishan Wang’s laboratory from Shenyang Northern Hospital in Liaoning, China, has extracted mesenchymal stem cells from the bone marrow of patients with type II diabetes. These bone marrow stem cells were used to treat rats that had suffered heart attacks. As a comparison, Wang and his associates used mesenchymal stem cells from the bone marrow of patients diagnosed with coronary artery disease, but not diabetes mellitus.

In these experiments, all patients were between the ages of 50 to 60 years of age, had type II diabetes for at least 10 years, previously suffered a heart attack, and had no signs of liver, kidney or infectious diseases, and no cancer. Bone marrow samples were taken from the breastbone (sternum) during coronary bypass surgery, and the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were extracted from the bone marrow and grown in culture for up to three passages. Ten diabetic patients were selected and two non-diabetic patients were used as a control group.

Male rats (Sprague-Dawley rats for those who are interested) were given heart attacks and then the MSCs were injected into the heart tissue in the area of the heart scar and in the areas adjacent to the heart scar. One group of rats received injections of MSCs from the patients that had type II diabetes, the second group with MSCs from the non-diabetic patients, and a third group rats received only injections of culture medium. The rats were given shots on the drug cyclosporine to ensure that none of the mice rejected their grafted cells. Heart function was assessed with echocardiography, and the tissue was examined, post-mortem, with a “TUNEL” assay, to determine the number of dead cells in the heart, and protein expression was also determined with Western blots.

The MSCs were tested for growth characteristics in culture and gene expression patterns were assayed with microarray studies.

Wang and others found that the MSCs from diabetic patients grew noticeably slower in culture than MSCs from non-diabetic patients. Also, the gene expression profiles a few significant examples; levels of the anti-cell death protein Bcl-2 were significantly lower in MSCs from diabetics.

When it came to the heart function of rats that had received MSC injections after a heart attack, those rats that had received MSCs from diabetic patients fared far worse than those that had received the MSCs from non-diabetics. Also, hearts that had received MSCs from diabetic patients had great amounts of cell death, and expressed significantly lower amounts of growth factors, and the anti-cell death protein Bcl-2.

These data show that MSCs from diabetic patients are impaired in the proliferative ability, and in their survival. This poor survival is due to lower levels of the anti-cell death protein Bcl-2.

Bcl2 activity
Bcl2 activity

A consequence of these experiments is that autologous or self stem cell transplantations in type I diabetics will probably be unsuccessful. This means that allogeneic transplantations or transplants that use stem cells from donors who are not diabetics are a better strategy for treating diabetics.